competition calendar
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01/03(sat) winter maandmedal 12:30 - 13:00   results...
02/03(sun) 30-up 9 holes - wintercompetitie 13:30 - 14:10   results...
05/03(wed) mixed ochtend 09:30 - 10:10 . subscribe... competitors...
07/03(fri) herenochtend 09:30 - 10:10 . subscribe... competitors...
08/03(sat) rabbitwedstrijd 14:30 - 15:20 . subscribe... competitors...
09/03(sun) go pro 9 holes - wintercompetitie 13:30 - 15:00 subscribe... competitors...
09/03(sun) jeugdwedstrijd / baanles 10:00 - 10:50 . subscribe... competitors...
12/03(wed) mixed ochtend 09:30 - 10:10 . subscribe... competitors...
14/03(fri) herenochtend 09:30 - 10:10 . subscribe... competitors...
15/03(sat) infodag wedstrijdleiders/mentor - lus a 15:00 - 16:00 . subscribe... competitors...
15/03(sat) infodag wedstrijdleiders/mentor - lus b 15:00 - 16:00 . subscribe... competitors...
16/03(sun) 30-up 9 holes - wintercompetitie 13:30 - 14:34 subscribe... competitors...
23/03(sun) go pro 9 holes - wintercompetitie 13:30 - 15:00 subscribe... competitors...
26/03(wed) mixed ochtend 09:30 - 10:10 .   competitors...
28/03(fri) herenochtend 09:30 - 10:10 .   competitors...
29/03(sat) swing & smile (yo) -kennismaking - lus b 14:00 - 14:40 . subscribe... competitors...
29/03(sat) swing & smile (yo)- kennismaking - lus a 14:00 - 14:40 . subscribe... competitors...
30/03(sun) 30-up 9 holes - wintercompetitie 13:30 - 14:34   competitors...
02/04(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
04/04(fri) herenochtend 08:00 - 08:50 .   competitors...
06/04(sun) go pro 9 holes 15:00 - 16:30   competitors...
07/04(mon) rabbitwedstrijd 18:00 - 18:50 .   competitors...
09/04(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 10:00 .   competitors...
11/04(fri) herenochtend 08:00 - 08:50 .   competitors...
12/04(sat) maandmedal 12:30 - 13:20   competitors...
13/04(sun) 30-up 9 holes - zomercompetitie 15:00 - 16:04   competitors...
16/04(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
18/04(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
19/04(sat) nieuwe leden wedstrijd 14:00 - 14:50 .   competitors...
20/04(sun) go pro 9 holes 15:00 - 16:30   competitors...
23/04(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
25/04(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
26/04(sat) koningsdag 18 holes 09:40 - 11:10 .   competitors...
27/04(sun) 30-up 9 holes - zomercompetitie 15:00 - 16:04   competitors...
30/04(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
02/05(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
03/05(sat) maandmedal 12:30 - 13:20   competitors...
04/05(sun) go pro 9 holes 15:00 - 16:30   competitors...
05/05(mon) rabbitwedstrijd 18:00 - 18:50 .   competitors...
07/05(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
08/05(thu) dac - 9 holes
18:00 - 19:12 .   competitors...
09/05(fri) herenochtend 08:50 - 09:40 .   competitors...
11/05(sun) 30-up 9 holes - zomercompetitie 15:00 - 16:04   competitors...
14/05(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
16/05(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
17/05(sat) goede doelen wedstrijd 13:00 .   competitors...
18/05(sun) go pro 9 holes 15:00 - 16:30   competitors...
21/05(wed) mixed ochtend 08:50 - 09:40 .   competitors...
23/05(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
23/05(fri) jovo 19:00 - 20:12 .   competitors...
24/05(sat) clubkamp. strokeplay heren 18h 1e ronde 08:00 - 09:10   competitors...
24/05(sat) clubkamp. strokeplay dames 18h 1e ronde 09:20 - 09:50 .   competitors...
24/05(sat) clubkamp. strokeplay heren 18h 2e ronde 14:30 - 15:40   competitors...
25/05(sun) 30-up 9 holes - zomercompetitie 16:00 - 17:10   competitors...
25/05(sun) jeugdwedstrijd 10:00 - 10:50 .   competitors...
25/05(sun) clubkamp. strokepl. heren finale 13:00 - 14:00 .   competitors...
25/05(sun) clubkamp. strokepl. heren b finale 14:04 - 14:52 .   competitors...
25/05(sun) clubkamp. strokepl. dames finale 15:00 - 15:50 .   competitors...
28/05(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
29/05(thu) dauwtrappen 9 holes 06:30 .   competitors...
30/05(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
01/06(sun) go pro 9 holes 15:00 - 16:30   competitors...
02/06(mon) rabbitwedstrijd 18:00 - 18:50 .   competitors...
04/06(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
06/06(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
07/06(sat) maandmedal 12:30 - 13:20   competitors...
08/06(sun) 30-up 9 holes - zomercompetitie 15:00 - 16:04   competitors...
11/06(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
13/06(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
15/06(sun) go pro 9 holes 15:00 - 16:30   competitors...
15/06(sun) jeugdwedstrijd 10:00 - 10:50 .   competitors...
18/06(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
20/06(fri) herenochtend 07:30 - 08:20 .   competitors...
20/06(fri) jovo 19:00 - 20:12 .   competitors...
21/06(sat) midzomerwedstrijd 15:00 - 16:20 .   competitors...
22/06(sun) 30-up 9 holes - zomercompetitie 15:00 - 16:04   competitors...
25/06(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
27/06(fri) herenochtend 08:00 - 08:50 .   competitors...
29/06(sun) go pro 9 holes 15:00 - 16:30   competitors...
02/07(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
04/07(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
05/07(sat) maandmedal 12:30 - 13:20   competitors...
06/07(sun) 30-up 9 holes - zomercompetitie 15:00 - 16:04   competitors...
06/07(sun) jeugdwedstrijd / baanles 10:00 - 10:50 .   competitors...
07/07(mon) rabbitwedstrijd 18:00 - 18:50 .   competitors...
09/07(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
11/07(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
11/07(fri) jovo 19:00 - 20:12 .   competitors...
13/07(sun) go pro 9 holes 15:00 - 16:30   competitors...
16/07(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
18/07(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
20/07(sun) 30-up 9 holes - zomercompetitie 15:00 - 16:04   competitors...
23/07(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
25/07(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
27/07(sun) go pro 9 holes 15:00 - 16:30   competitors...
30/07(wed) mixed ochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
01/08(fri) herenochtend 09:00 - 09:50 .   competitors...
02/08(sat) maandmedal 12:30 - 13:20   competitors...
03/08(sun) 30-up 9 holes - zomercompetitie 15:00 - 16:04   competitors...
04/08(mon) rabbitwedstrijd 18:00 - 18:50 .   competitors...
The list shows all competitions that have been published by the selected golfcourse. You can subscribe yourself to a competition by clicking "subscribe...".

Competitions are filtered based on your gender and the handicap as it is known to this golfcourse.

It is possible that the list is empty. In this case either the golfcourse has not published any competitions, are you not subscribed with the golfcourse itself or are you not recognised by the system in the correct way. Your name and the way you are recognised are displayed behind the tags "golfer" and "playercategory".

You can only subscribe to competitions of courses that you have registered with. You can contact the golfcourse for more info.