course status 4 march
almkreek ak - holes 1 - 9
course opened
the course is qualifying
ak - holes 10 - 18
course opened
the course is qualifying
ak - par 3 c lus
course opened
the course is qualifying
ak - par 3 d lus
course opened
the course is qualifying
4-3-2025: momenteel mist, verder geen bijzonderheden, veel golfplezier!
amsteldijk geen gegevens ontvangen
breuninkhof br - 9 holes baan
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
br - par 3 baan
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
v.a 13.00 uur geen wintergreens en de buggys weer in de baan.
concordia geen gegevens ontvangen
crayestein golf geen gegevens ontvangen
cromstrijen geen gegevens ontvangen
de achterste hoef hole 1-9
course closed until 09:50
the course is qualifying
de turfvaert lus a
course opened
the course is qualifying
lus b
course opened
the course is qualifying
de zaanse geen gegevens ontvangen
delfland blauw
course closed until 09:00
the course is qualifying
course closed until 09:00
the course is qualifying
par 3
course opened
the course is qualifying
course closed until 09:00
the course is qualifying
duinzicht geen gegevens ontvangen
golf centrum noordwijk 9 holes par 3 course
course closed from 08:30 - 10:15
the course is qualifying
golfclub capelle geen gegevens ontvangen
golfpark de berendonck ber - geel
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
ber - par 3
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
ber - rood
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
vandaag 4 maart, opteeën verplicht. fijne golfdag!
golfpark de haverleij hav - geel
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
hav - par 3
course closed until 11:00
the course is not qualifying
hav - rood
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
04-03-2025: par 3 en oefenfaciliteiten weer geopend. driving range open. opteeën hele baan verplicht. restaurant, clubhuis, lockers, range en overige faciliteiten sluiten vandaag om 17:00 uur.
golfpark de purmer pur - geel
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is qualifying
pur - par 3
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is qualifying
pur - rood
course opened
the course is qualifying
pur - wit
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is qualifying
vandaag, dinsdag 4 maart, bent u van harte welkom op onze uitdagende golfbaan. er wordt gespeeld op zomergreens met wintertees. buggys zijn alleen toegestaan op rood op het pad. we wensen u een fijne dag op de purmer!
golfpark gendersteyn gen - blauw (7 h)
course closed
gen - geel
course opened
gen - rood
course opened
vandaag, dinsdag 4 maart: er wordt gestart op zomergreens. buggies en handicarts zijn niet toegestaan. wij wensen u een fijne golfdag en/of carnaval!
golfpark land van thorn geen gegevens ontvangen
golfpark sint nyk nyk - geel
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
nyk - rood
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
wolkom! nu al schijnt het zonnetje op golfpark sint nyk. keuken gesloten en het clubhuis sluit om 17.00 uur. fijne dag gewenst. vanaf 01 maart pin only.
golfpark westerpark wes - blauw
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
wes - geel
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is not qualifying
4-3-2025 wintertees en opteën in de baan, geen buggies toegestaan. u bent altijd welkom in ons restaurant voor een heerlijke lunch/diner of een kopje koffie..☕️
haarlemmermeersche geen gegevens ontvangen
kagerzoom geen gegevens ontvangen
kurenpolder kp - 9 holes
course opened
the course is not qualifying
kp - par 3
course opened
the course is qualifying
loonsche duynen ld - holes 1-9
course opened
the course is qualifying
ld - holes 10-18
course opened
the course is qualifying
ld - par 3
course opened
the course is qualifying
04-03-2025 zomergreens, buggy/handicarts toegestaan
ockenburgh 1e negen
course opened
the course is not qualifying
ooghduyne geen gegevens ontvangen
rhoon golfcenter geen gegevens ontvangen
roxenisse geen gegevens ontvangen
shortgolf utrecht su - par 3
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is qualifying
su - par 3-4
course opened
buggies are not allowed
the course is qualifying
the dunes geen gegevens ontvangen
twentse golfpark geen gegevens ontvangen

The list shows the openings and conditions of all associated golfcourses. The courses enter this information themselves and are responsible for the accuracy.

If nothing else is specified, this means that the course is fully opened and qualifying and that buggies and trolleys are allowed.